my fll process with heartware wasn't very long in my opinion, though it was significantly longer than for the est of the volunteers. but i'm thankful for the team of thirteen referees, though we were only left with a team of twelve on the event day. exclusive of mr et, of course, whom i met just one day before the event, but that was all it took for me to respect him for who he is. the head referee.
the fll referee journey began on 15 nov. the first referee-timekeeper meeting at heartware office. i didn't exactly feel like going, cuz i was preparing for my germany trip. but i went anyway, and met alot of interesting people. sean, the 24 year old nus guy, bahari, a poly guy who joined just cuz he thought it'll be fun, sheryl, who was in jj for her first three months but went to sa eventually, joy, rj timekeeper who had her name on her wushu jacket, chiew lin, meiting and jiawen, hc triplets, and heartware staff. we played ice-breakers, and in one game we had to choose a food item to represent ourselves and we took turns to call each other by that. we had ice cream and ice kachang, which was quite confusing, and sheryl and i were prawn crackers and prawn noodles. kenneth was carrot cake. brown was ikea meatballs. joy was pizza.
since sebas and i got together, it was the first heartware meeting that we weren't present at the same time. but it was fun nevertheless.
my next fll meeting was with all the other volunteers already, at phpss. there were two other referee events before that, but i was more than ten thousand kilometres away at germany. this fll meeting, i went with sebas, and it was that day that my group of people, led by field manager wei hui, knew that i'm attached. because cheryl was saying that i'll have high expectations of my future boyfriend, and i asked why "future". and that was the day we met volunteers who were not referees/timekeepers. nicolette, from cj swimming, ayuni, srjc grad, cheryl and rachel, who kept switching their names (and cheryl has three ccas in rj), and weihui who had a deck of poker cards with weird photos on them. there was this very quiet nus guy, but i forgot his name. he reminds me of bowen.
and that day, we went for lunch at the bishan kopitiam which i went to with 2/1 people that time we visited mr chin for cny.
that was the last fll session with games. we took a group volunteer photo in the canteen, but as with most heartware group photos, i don't think i'll get a copy of it.
one week later was another all-volunteers meeting at heartware office. this time they made an exception, no need to remove shoes. i was present with sebas but since we played different roles in this project we weren't working together.
and this was the day we were given our table groupings. me at c4, with terence and cs, and xue er as our timekeeper. it was terence's first fll meeting that day, apparently. we very briefly went through the table layout and possible scenarios. i was supposed to be giving the briefing for my table, but then because sean's sounded much more interesting so in the end we sort of merged. luckily we did, because i was running out of stuff to say. sean went for skirmish while i was in germany, so that old guy had more stuff in his head.
the next few days were spent corresponding with kwan yong, who was in charge of our schedule for the next two referee meetings. i first replied his mail because his name was upside down. in his next mail, he sent me the
link. i wanted to post the upside thing, but it couldn't show up. but do click on it yeah, it's quite interesting.
so my next referee-timekeeper meeting was on the follwing wed. it was a very heated up discussion with sean, me and terence. the rest pretty much kept quiet. i don't remember if it was then that we met ernest. either wed or thurs.
because the next day i went for the meeting too, since fri i had to be in school. ernest was a referee nominated by the head referee, who was his sec sch teacher. he received a special welcome from ida, but not exactly in a good way but in heartware there's nothing really bad. because he was overseas the whole time we had our other meetings. so ida had to print all the referee handouts for him, and that amounted to quite alot. referees have alot of responsibility.
the thursday meeting was much quieter, prolly because we had less questions to cover. then we went on to dual-lock all the mats and the models. and double sided taping the bottom of the mats so they could be attached to the tables. and that was the day i left my scissors at heartware. i don't think i'm going back to get it, since i live at jurong and heartware's at bishan and i've got no more third lang.
and the next time we met was on saturday at the national library. it was one day before the event. mr et was marking attendance and he came over to where me and sebas were sitting to ask if i was stephanie. sebas (and i) were astonished by his air of authority. he had this kind of voice that would make you want to listen to him and work with him and respect him. powerful.
that meeting was to set the area for competition purpose the next day. we helped pack the goodie bags, (and took some home ourselves), and we divided into our job groups to go through stuff that would happen the next day. referees and timekeepers and our runner basically stuck the models on the mat, qc-ed them, took them off, pack them back into their boxes, labelled them, and slack. and we were very happy about it.
and that was the day i started to know cs. i saw him on the phpss day, but only talked to him on this saturday.
and that night, he sms-ed me to morning call him the next morning.
so on 11 jan i woke up at 4.30 am. morning called sebas at 5am, then called cs at 5.30. by seven am at the national library the orange referees were very prominant around the other blue volunteers, whom mr et called the smurfs.
11 jan shan't be described further by words. pictures say much more.
![chicken dance](
we're not clapping, we're doing the chicken dance.
![blocked by pole](
![jedi black1](
my favourite photo!
![comp. area 2](
![reset table](
![c4, polar bear](
![big jacket](