Monday, December 31, 2007
the room
The Room
Joshua Harris
In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in a room. There were no distinguishing features in this room save the one wall covered with small index card files. They were like the ones in libraries that list titles by author or subject in alphabetical order. But these files, which stretched from floor to ceiling and seemingly endlessly in either direction, had very different headings. As I drew near the wall of files, the first to catch my attention was one that read "Girls I Have Liked". I opened it and began flipping through the cards. I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the names written on each one.
And then without being told, I knew exactly where I was. This lifeless room with its small files was a crude catalog system for my life. Here were written the actions of my every moment, big and small, in a detail my memory couldn't match.
A sense of wonder and curiosity, coupled with horror, stirred within me as I began randomly opening files and exploring their content. Some brought joy and sweet memories; others a sense of shame and regret so intense that I would look over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching.
A file named "Friends" was next to one marked "Friends I Have Betrayed".
The titles ranged from the mundane to the outright weird. "Books I Have Read", "Lies I Have Told", "Comfort I Have Given", "Jokes I Have Laughed At". Some were almost hilarious in their exactness: "Things I've Yelled at My Brothers." Others I couldn't laugh at: "Things I Have Done in My Anger", "Things I Have Muttered Under My Breath at My Parents". I never ceased to be surprised by the contents. Often there were many more cards than I expected. Sometimes fewer than I hoped.
I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the life I had lived. Could it be possible that I had the time in my 20 years to write each of these thousands or even millions of cards? But each card confirmed this truth. Each was written in my own handwriting. Each signed with my signature.
When I pulled out the file marked "Songs I Have Listened To", I realized the files grew to contain their contents. The cards were packed tightly, and yet after two or three yards, I hadn't found the end of the file. I shut it, shamed, not so much by the quality of music, but more by the vast amount of time I knew that file represented.
When I came to a file marked "Lustful Thoughts", I felt a chill run through my body. I pulled the file out only an inch, not willing to test its size, and drew out a card. I shuddered at its detailed content. I felt sick to think that such a moment had been recorded.
An almost animal rage broke on me. One thought dominated my mind: "No one must ever see these cards! No one must ever see this room! I have to destroy them!" In an insane frenzy I yanked the file out. Its size didn't matter now. I had to empty it and burn the cards. But as I took it at one end and began pounding it on the floor, I could not dislodge a single card. I became desperate and pulled out a card, only to find it as strong as steel when I tried to tear it.
Defeated and utterly helpless, I returned the file to its slot. Leaning my forehead against the wall, I let out a long, self-pitying sigh. And then I saw it. The title --- "People I Have Shared the Gospel With". The handle was brighter than those around it, newer, almost unused. I pulled on its handle and a small box not more than three inches long fell into my hands. I could count the cards it contained on one hand.
And then the tears came. I began to weep. Sobs so deep that the hurt started in my stomach and shook through me. I fell on my knees and cried. I cried out of shame, from the overwhelming shame of it all. The rows of file shelves swirled in my tear-filled eyes. No one must ever, ever know of this room. I must lock it up and hide the key.
But then as I pushed away the tears, I saw Him. No, please not Him. Not here. Oh, anyone but Jesus. I watched helplessly as He began to open the files and read the cards. I couldn't bear to watch His response. And in the moments I could bring myself to look at His face, I saw a sorrow deeper than my own. He seemed to intuitively go to the worst boxes. Why did He have to read every one?
Finally He turned and looked at me from across the room. He looked at me with pity in His eyes. But this was a pity that didn't anger me. I dropped my head, covered my face with my hands and began to cry again. He walked over and put His arm around me. He could have said so many things. But He didn't say a word. He just cried with me.
Then He got up and walked back to the wall of files. Starting at one end of the room, He took out a file and, one by one, began to sign His name over mine on each card.
"No!" I shouted rushing to Him. All I could find to say was "No, no," as I pulled the card from Him. His name shouldn't be on these cards. But there it was, written in red so rich, so dark, so alive. The name of Jesus covered mine.
It was written with His blood.
He gently took the card back. He smiled a sad smile and began to sign the cards. I don't think I'll ever understand how He did it so quickly, but the next instant it seemed I heard Him close the last file and walk back to my side. He placed His hand on my shoulder and said, "It is finished."
I stood up, and He led me out of the room. There was no lock on its door. There were still cards to be written.
that's just cuz i was meant to countdown with zhiyi and yangping. but apparently we forgot. so each one of us made a blog post. this is mine!
i don't have a friend who's birthday's today like zhiyi, nor do i do self-reflection like yangping, so there.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
ogl's call
but anyway.
you've got slightly more than two hours to enjoy today before we treat you as per normal. so there's actually nothing to dread about turning sixteen! i've said most of what i wanted to say in the sms this morning, so yea. re-read that message if you have to okay! don't you dare forget me once you step into cj. or else...i don't know what i'll do. haha.
i received a call from my ogl. he's called wenyao. i'm in the og of my favourite number, family five and group colour's my bro's favourite colour. why not purple!!!
so yea, i've got to be in full school uniform and report to jjc at seven am on wednesday in full nh uniform. i'm supposed to be in white shoes but i don't really care. then i'll be on a 3d2n oc (like chalet!!) from 3rd to 5th.
okay. i'm pretty excited about the oc thing. i always do when it comes to camps. but i don't really adore the idea of having to sleep in the jjc campus. i've seen that school ever since i could remember, and it hasn't looked any different. that's what's scary.
but ahh. who really sleeps at camps. i remember closing my eyes at eleven plus and really sleeping hours later, then waking up at four something to look at the people around me sleeping away at sec three camp.
wenyao sounds like some shy person over the phone. i don't want shy shy og leader! i hope he's really enthu in person. he sounded like he was reading out from a script. "hi stephanie, i'm your ogl at jjc, i'm wenyao. (me: ahh. hi.) this is to infrom you that you have to report to jjc on 2nd january at 7am. (me: SEVEN?!) ya. you will have to be in your full secondary school uniform. (me: (just for fun) do i have to be in white shoes?) erm...ya. also, there will be an orienatation camp from 3rd to 5th january. (me: huh? until saturday?) ya, three days two nights. it will be held in our school campus. the cost is seventy dollars. (me: so do i have to bring the money on the first day?) erm, ya. you can pay in cash, cheque or edusave....."
well it just goes on lah. when i can just type out everything like i'm on the phone right now, it shows how script-like it was. mundane. OH HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER TOO. but you see, he doesn't have my number so i can prank call.
haha. he's lucky i'm a good girl.
oh, stephanie has developed this habit of cutting her hair once a month and cutting her nails weekly and trimming her right hand's second and third fingers' nails whenever it begins to sound weird on the guitar.
the nails part's redundant la. i just wanted to say i cut my hair again. so it just keeps getting shorter, so short i've forgotten what it was like to have long hair.
i don't like clashed stuff on my schedule.
aaron's birthday.
it's not those rotten egg kind of smelly. i thought it was a rather overpowering sweet+burn plastic sorta smell. but my bro insists it's nowhere near sweet.
i don't plan to know what happens behind the doors of m18 theatres. haha. downloaded the font. i was reading your blog with black words against white background and it stung my eyes so much i had to adjust the brightness of my monitor. why's being afraid of darkness against your conscience. lol. taking bio's not wrong okay! at least for me. i don't really do well in that subject, but i like it(: oh erm. i koped the questions thing you koped from chrysan.
not exactly time lah. cuz the header shows the time i start mah, then i looked at the time after i was done. so yea, twelve minutes. i don't need my inhaler with me all the time, my fridge doesn't explode that often. i hope all the other electrical stuff don't too.
they're all there under that chalet post. check archives. ruth's blog also have. i wonder when i'll see you at chingay training! since we're all like, separated already.
i reached home past midnight, after a day of wild wild wet then supper at a friend's place, where i got my second christmas gift, considering the glory pres planner as the first. sun yanzi's ni4guang1 special edition cd+dvd! ate chocolate fondue and durian puff and mixed alot of aldcoholic drinks. there was this peach flavoured i forgot what with like, more than 20% alcohol, absolut vodka with what, 40% and some cranberry passionfruit thing which i didn't drink and had 21%. then got red wine also. conclusion: i don't like alcohol. cuz i diluted all my drinks with more than 50% seven up.
wild wild wet was..rainy. and cold. my dad had higher terminal velocity so when he slid down one of the slides after me, his acceleration was obviously faster due to his higher mass, he crashed into me near the end of the slide. so i've got a scraped right knee cuz the flooring wasn't too smooth and a big blue black on my upper thigh. hurts when i walk.
i'll be going out in a few hours' time (again). because i don't feel like sleeping even though i'm tired just because my bed's very messy and i don't want to clear it, i koped sk's qustions from her blog.
50 first reactions;
Type what comes to your mind first whenever you hear these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random just type it!
1. Beer:
2. Food:
i'm full already, no thanks.
3. Relationships:
4. Your crush:
is in the dustbin. crushed receipt from topping up my ez link.
5. Power Ranger:
go go power rangers!
6. Life:
great eastern says life is great!
9. The President:
sr nathan.
10. Yummy:
yummy donuts. there's a branch at white sands. and one at clementi too. but i'm not really a fan of donuts.
11. Cars:
lightning mcqueen!
12. Movie:
i am legend. it's my current wallpaper.
13. Halloween:
escape theme park's annual hell-oween thing.
14. Sex:
15. Religion:
glory pres.
16. Friendster:
i don't use it.
17. Fear:
is nothing actually.
18. Marriage:
the bridal shop at imm scammed many many couples.
19. Blondes:
are they really not so clever?
20. Slippers:
i just got new ones a few days back. melrose.
22. Asians:
23. Past time:
time that has past?
24. One night stands:
no sitting.
25: Cell Phone:
contains the nucleus, cell membrane, vacuole...
27: Smoke:
there's alot here at the jurong west industrial area. accompanied by chocolate smell from the cadbury factory.
28: Fantasy:
fantasy island at sentosa. torn down i don't know when. used to be very fun.
30: High school Life:
high school musical: wild cats in the house!
31. Pyjamas:
i don't actually change into pjs when i go to sleep. i just continue wearing what i'm wearing.
32. Stars:
star awards on channel eight. they had two this year cuz of the 25th anniversary thing.
33. Fitness Center:
i had alot of free memberships to numerous centres but i've never been to any before.
34. Alcohol:
not nice. the've got the funny COOH branch, the structure thing.
37. Money:
are you going to give some to me?
38. Heartache:
er. must be painful.
39. Time:
is precious.
40. Divorce:
joseph and mary almost did.
41. Dogs:
are sometimes treated better than babies.
42. Family:
asleep right now.
43. Boyfriend:
what's that.
44. Girlfriend:
i've got one?
45. University:
in germany please. i don't wish to be stuck in nus or ntu.
47. Love at first sight:
maybe it works. MAYBE.
48. Virgin:
that carbonated drink with the nice bottle a few years back. dunno why it disappeared from shelves.
49. Friends:
must all be sleeping at the moment. my friend aaron's sixteen today!
50. LOVE:
I don't know what happened to some of the numbers, but they're missing. :S
okay i'm going to sleep. good morning.
Friday, December 28, 2007
exploding fridge saga.
that was how my mum put it. she said got loud loud boom sound like explosion, then after that it sounded like gas leak and the whole house began to stink. the serviceman came and took out this little plastic box thing which was pretty badly burnt. burn plastic=release toxic gas! that's chem from jesse lim. haha. it's good to not see an exploding fridge. i didn't see it too. i didn't even go close, just hid in the room grasping my inhaler and covering my nose and mouth with my winnie the pooh towel. lol.
you make it sound like out of a comic book. lol. what's worms game. reminds me of those two colour yuppi gummy worms which i never eat. oh. I WANT OCL TEE!! the design for next year's super nice lah! and the two words from the motto's same as my year. but i don't have my oc tee anymore. threw it away after one of the dance camps.
eh why i give the two of them such long replies.
anyway. it's super late now and i haven't bathed cuz i had to teach my bro how to wash and spin dry his shoes. lol.
going out tomorrow! wild wild wet with the free ticket from class chalet! while qimin and the rest slog their guts out at chingay training. apparently i don't have to be there, cuz i received a call while hiding in the computer room away from the toxic gases this morning. chingay dream team person said training postponed to 5th jan.
i guess we're divided into groups, us volunteers, according to our posts. then..then i won't see my nh darlings anymore! cuz it seems like i'm the only nh and the only just grad secondary school person among crowd control. so scary.
i finished typing this post in twleve minutes. lol.
fridge explosion!
it's okay la. four hours before is...yea early.
my head's awfully heavy, my brain's like swirling and my eyelids are drooping right now. must be the work of the cfc that's escaped from my home fridge. it exploded earlier this morning. the whole house stunk much until my mum sprayed air freshener.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
annabel's tag
1.Do the following WITHOUT complaint
2.Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3.Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.
4.Start your post with; I have been tagged!
Favourite Colour: PURPLE
Favourite Food: i eat anything and everything(:
Favourite Movie: secret!
Favourite Sport: err. i just told my mum yesterday that i'm sorta crazy cuz i can get very excited with a sport for a few moments then i switch to another one. i used to like cycling. then swimming, then basketball, then now running.
Favourite Day: i saw this badge that says "i'm bitchy on days ending with y" so erm, i like days ending with y.
Favourite Season: season ice lemon tea!
Favourite Ice-cream: dark chocolate gelato. from anywhere. as long as it's dark chocolate and it's gelato.
Current Mood: i don't know what you call that mood when you just woke up.
Current Clothes: i'm still in those disneyland tee and coca cola shorts.
Current Desktop: a photo of a girl playing a guitar.
Current Time: 9.03am
Current Surroundings: computer room. it's a study actually, but nobody ever studies in here.
Current Annoyances: that i'm having a running nose. i always do when i just wake up.
First Best Friend: i dunno. in nursery we go to almost everyone and say, "hey you're my best friend!" then after a while, "i don't friend you liao!"
First Crush: i've been part of the singapore education system for more than twelve years including nursery, how to remember?
First Movie: toy story. my mum said i laughed so loud that the people beside stared.
First Lie: whoa, if i still rmb my first lie then i must have been lying till now to cover it.
First Music: maybe i eavesdropped and listened to the radio while swimming in my mum's womb. or maybe she played mozart for me. but i don't have any highly developed brain thing. at least i don't think so.
Last drink: milo plus coffee.
Last Crush: i last crushed a piece of paper after one of the o level exams. i don't like the sound of paper crushing, so i don't do it much.
Last Phone Call: somebody called me at nearly nine last night. it was a missed call and apparently the number wasn't in my contacts.
Last CD played: zhoujielun's wo hen mang.
Have you ever dated one of your good friends: nearly, but no.
Have you ever broken the law: yes i've jaywalked!
Have you ever been arrested: the security guard just said, "maybe we'll have to call the police." but he didn't in the end.
Have you ever been on TV: at least twice. once on the news once on kidscentral. haha.
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: no? i don't know anyone called someone you don't know.
5 things you are good at:
talking, messing up my room, sleeping, watching tv, using the comp like there's no tomorrow.
5 Things you've done today:
woke up, woke my brother up, played guitar, ate breakfast, wash dishes.
5 Things you can hear right now:
there's some machine whirring at the constuction works downstairs. my typing, the gate being opened outside (i think my family's back), my sniffing of nose, the cpu making the very irritating sound.
i will tag...err i dunno luh. who wants to do then do lor.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
quiz, 40 secrets
haha merry christmas too! only old old people can watch m18! you're still young! yangtze, that's for horny old ah peks! you did something against your conscience arh. if not then no need to be scared of stepping into the bathroom. and i don't think our lights work the same way. haha.
yang ping
merry christmas too! you think my bathroom light high tech like nan hua's motion activated lights in the toilet arh? no lah. turns out the starter thingy in the lights damaged. but is super qiao okay!
ehh. then i'll be super un-free lor. do everything also must ask first. oh. what you did at sec one registration was funny. the intro thing. i was stunned for a splitsecond when you waved, then the impulses went the right way in my brain and i recognised you. lol.
took this from erm. i forgot who's blog.
40 secrets about yourself. be honest no matter what.
[one] what is your natural hair color?
black? but someone told me we're supposed to have really really dark brown hair, not black.
[two] where is your default picture taken?
what is default picture. msn pic arh. taken at national stadium. the one which they said so long ago they wanted to pull down but still haven't.
[ three] what's your middle name?
full name's yeo xin ying, stephanie. singapore uses no first middle last name thing.
[four] what color do you hate most?
i don't hate any particular colour. i just hate it when people attempt to blend two colours opposite each other on the colour wheel so it clashes super bad. like yellow and purple. horrible. (rhymes!)
[five] does your crush like you back?
what crush. those crushed aluminium cans those recycling uncles grab out of the dustbins? okay serious. i don't know la. i don't even think i've got a crush, like, right now. i've just got great friends from the opposite sex.
[six] what is your current mood?
it was sleepy before i started this questions thing. i just realised that after so long of typing i'm still at six, so i'm getting sian.
[seven] what color underwear are you wearing?
er. HOT PINK! no la.
[ eight] what makes you most happy?
i dunno. but i think i'll be super happy if i get l1r5 six for o's.
[nine] look at a picture/poster in your room, who's on it?
i'm not in my room now. and my room doesn't have pics/posters of people.
[ten] if you could go back in time and change something, what you would change?
err. my pae choice of school. but then again, i don't know where exactly i want to go. aiyah so ma fan go turn back time for what.
[eleven] if you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
something that won't die easily, unlike mosquitoes or ants. i'd be the very treasured panda in china.
[twelve] ever had a near death experience?
YES. i even composed a will.
[thirteen] something you do a lot?
breathe. think. talk.
[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
[fifteen] what is your desktop background?
a girl playing a guitar.
[sixteen] what are you wearing?
disneyland tee and coca cola shorts. haha.
[seventeen] when was the last time you cried?
yesterday when i read thru a rather touching compo i wrote.
[eighteen] have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
yea! more than a decade ago.
[nineteen] if you could have one super power what would it be?
huh. super powers are redundant. but i would want everybody to be happy.
[twenty ] what's the first thing(s) you notice about the opposite sex?
height. look at theodore man.
[twenty-one] what do you usually order from Starbucks?
i've never been to starbucks. really!
[twenty-two] what's your biggest secret?
huh. jiabin read this. i'm single. i had no german boyfriend, it was all to play along with the pun mdm yong started. georg's a german guy i got to know thru a friend who went for the exchange programme.
[twenty- three] favorite color?
PURPLE. i don't care if it's international gay colour.
[twenty -four] is it sunny or raining?
neither, cuz it's at night now.
[twenty -five] do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
yea. i watch kids central when there's nothing else on show on the free-to-air channels.
[twenty-six] what are you eating or drinking at the moment?
nothing. i've got this house rule that says no eating in rooms.
[twenty-seven] do you speak any other language?
mandarin, german? and abit of cantonese, teochew, malay, tamil and sign language.
[twenty-eight] what's your favorite smell?
geranium. it's a similar smell to roses, but it's not as faint.
[twenty-nine] if you could describe your life in one word what would it be?
[thirty] when was the last time you received a hug?
nhds rod. 19 dec 2007. got so many hugs that day, i think the last one was from jeslyn.
[thirty-one] have you ever kissed in the rain?
no. later catch cold how?
[thirty-two] what/who are you thinking about right now?
what the scene of kissing in the rain will be like. seems pretty unglam.
[thirty-three] what should you be doing?
sleeping? but i woke up less than twelve hours ago.
[thirty-four] what was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
AARON. cuz he didn't tell me he wasn't performing. but he isn't a thing. and i didn't get really upset/angry.
[thirty-five] how often do you laugh?
pretty often.
[thirty-six] do you like slacking in the yard?
yard? what yard? i'm among the 85% of singaporeans who live in hdb flats. but slacking? i like.
[thirty-seven] if you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
i don't want to choose. if i don't like it in any point of my life later i'll feel super bad.
[thirty-eight] do you act differently around your crush/significant other?
i'm not supposed to right.
[thirty-nine] name one song that reminds you of an ex?
an ex? how many ex-es you want me to have.
[forty] who was the last person to make you cry?
me. that compo i cried over was written by me mah.
people to do this:
(in no particular order)
yang ping
Monday, December 24, 2007
you know how we chinese believe that weird occurances like the dripping of already closed taps and the refusal of lamps to light are the work of our ancestors that have passed away? my parents used to tell me that stuff like that happen when we're doing something our ancestors don't approve of.
and the bathroom light's been refusing to light up whenever i want to use it for the past two days. those were the days i went to church.
i'm a taoist by birth mah. and have never converted. but my parents don't disapprove my going to a friend's church, though so far i've only been to aaron's. thrice.
so the protagonist of this little story's meant to be the bathroom light. the first time it refused to light up was yesterday early morning (technically sun), cuz i attended the 7.30 service so had to wake up at like, 5.30. had to coax the light lah! switch on and off repeatedly and say loud loud that i want to use the bathroom, don't play with the light. it's sort of funny to think about it, but if what my parents've been saying's true, it's pretty creepy. cuz after that the lights went up.
it happened again before i went out for the christmas concert this evening. i just twicked the switch a couple of times more and when the light still didn't go on, i gave up and used the bathroom without the light. wasn't really dark so it was fine.
apparently it only happened to me simultaneously. in the whole family.
when i came home just now my dad asked me to go bathe quickly cuz he just finished using the bathroom, just in case the lights go off. lol. thankfully it didn't.
anyway. christmas concert.
my bro decided to go at the last minute, so i brought him along.
me: eh you sure you don't want to go arh? (cuz i was already to go out and 've been asking him to go for the past few days.)
him: (while frantically pressing on the game controller) erm. go there do what?
me: (as if i can predict the programme) sing songs watch people sing songs and pray lor. (cuz that was pretty much what the serivce i went to the previous day was like)
him: (in the midst of killing some alien creature with purple blood) sing what song? christian song arh?
me: church mah. so should be christian songs. you want to go anot?
him: (still hitting the buttons on the controller shooting away) errrr...okay lor!
then he saved the game and changed and we went out.
surprising what a sermon can do man. before it my bro was like, "jie jie buy christmas present for me!"x10000, but after that he stopped. no mention of christmas present already. or maybe it was the song that the kindergarten sunday school kids sang,
at christmas there are presents underneath the tree.
the train goes clang and the drums go bang;
there's a gift that you cannot see.
o the best present of all is Jesus.
haha. probably took him back to his own kindergarten days. cuz we both went to church kindergarten. really got sing alot of songs one lor!
they had this skit thing to show how Jesus was born and everything, and there was this statement i heard, "in your pain you glimpse God, but otherwise He's crowded out of your life!" it's wasn't very clear over the speakers but it sounded vaguely familiar. then i realised it was aaron's personal message. haha.
and aaron the scammer. he said he'll be performing but he back out never tell me.
my plan failed. i spent like, eight am to one pm then three to five fifteen tidying up my school stuff in attempt to clear my room, but i didn't even manage to clear all my papers. my mum helped to weigh the papers cleared, and they total to 20kg. books excluded. so it's like, one student 20kg of papers in preparation for o's, 400+ sec four students in nan hua, 8000+ kg of papers. that's alot okay! i shall post the photo of my 20kg of papers up soon.
i must be the minority few people who measure papers by weight, not by number of sheets.
this year's been pretty Christian. i don't know what next year'll be like.
erm. first chinese compo posted.
holy words then start with capital letters mah. except names la. huh sec one registration was that day what. but if you want to treat me to lunch any day also can one.
yea. so many things to do before the new year XP
i was arranging my filed stuff a while ago and came across a few chinese compos i thought i'd want to keep. here's one. written on random in school. i remember the weird surprised glances amelia and jeslyn gave as the crossed my table cuz the whole english foolscap was covered with chinese words.
©楊欣穎 2007年
argh. 天黑on my itunes is giving me headaches. shall go back to packing up my room.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
heels and service!
whoa my post so holy still got capital p one. sure, senior! haha.
yay i'm back from christmas service! haha. met sharon at the bus stop then we walked over. sang many many songs and prayed alot. glory pres gave all adults and youths a 2008 planner as chrstmas gift too. haha. the whole thing ended rather early at nine, so sharon and i went to macs and she treated me to apple pie. then she sent me to my bus stop and headed for her church service.
went to meet my family for lunch and just reached home. haha. i'll be carrying on with the plan i set yesterday.
oh see the "bronze heels" under my wishlist? i got them last night! heh super happy. photos up some time later yea.
christmas eve concert tomorrow night!(:
Saturday, December 22, 2007
also not join nan hua odac. haha. you're planning to join what though? illegal nc16 movie-er! but it seems like everyone does it anyway. probably except me. is secretary plus bodyguard okay! he announced it in front of ALL the parents and students at sec one registration yesterday. walau so malu.
812ce is nice! i've got a picture of it stuck in my score book. haha. so how many guitars have you got?
i planned out my leftover holidays. i'm going out with the family later, then come back and sleep.
tomorrow morning's christmas service with sharon at aaron's church. when i return home i'll clean my display cabinets in my room. then possibly finish the second unit. if not carry on the next day.
christmas eve i'm going to clean up my study table and the cupboard underneath. then study abit, then to aaron's church again.
then i'll have a sparkling clean room for christmas and santa will probably send me a big present cuz i've been so good. but my brother finished the last bit of milk left at home, so there'll be no cookies and milk left out for st. nicks. this year. (we never do, anyway. no chimney.)
sec one registration yesterday was funny. miss ban gave me a nan hua family polo tee that was mr foo's size, so i wore my 90th tee instead. accompanied mr foo to the hall, then he asked me to stand at the side. in the middle of his one-hour long sppech he said, "that little girl at that side (points at me) is my bodyguard. she graduated already." all the 800+ pairs of eyes in the hall stared at me okay! then mdm yip asked me to wave and smile. super malu. zhiyi and yangping behind me called me over to save me from more embarrasment. until mr foo raised the topic on me again.
"that little girl (looks over to where i was and realised i've disappeared)...just now at that side one (all look to where i was and find that i'm not there)...." THEN YANGPING RAISED BOTH HANDS AND POINTED AT ME. i was just beside him lah.
joker yangping wore school uniform back. mr foo didn't realise he was a graduate after several moments after they started talking.
mr foo treated lunch, then halfway a parent walked over and asked, "mr foo this one (points at me) your daughter arh?"
(at the same time)
mr foo: yes!
me: no!
(after a split second)
mr foo: eh no! but have this kind of daughter also not bad!
haha. i hope fangyu doesn't read my blog.
as i left the office to go home after most of the stuff were done for the day, many parents nodded at me and smiled. like i'm vip like that. brings me back to ndp days, lol. but i don't want to be famous. fame takes away privacy.
oh and during lunch mr jt came over and said, "hi my favourite foureleven girl!" then i answered, "you probably said that to every foureleven girl you see..." so the three of us talked, and realised mr jt's little secret. and we sorta mocked him about it. but it was fun, talking to nice adults. mr ed ng's nice too. didn't expect that i'll talk to him one day, like, friendly chat. it's weird how so many teachers who've never taught me know my name and actually start conversations with me.
yaozhong got into acjc with l1r5 ten, minghui got into the same school with l1r5 six. i got into jjc with l1r5 ten, and my friend got into the same school with l1r5 eighteen. such difference.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
maybe you've already heard of this movement, but if you haven't, FreeRice is a site where you play a vocab game and find synonyms of the words given. for every word you get right, FreeRice donates twenty grains of rice thru UN to help end world hunger. the rice is paid by sponsors such as apple, hewlett packard and brother, whose ads are put up on the page, no pop-ups. so well, when you can learn free vocab and give free rice, why not? i think i've donated more than a thousand grains of rice already, and highest vocab level's 35. it's a pretty addictive game, go try!
five days to christmas, it's hari raya haji today. i should really start sending out christmas cards.
replies to tags!
haha, i replied you thru sms!
okay. i still don't know if i can be there on the 24th. you haven't replied my sms!
no tag=never read lor. what model are you getting. is your friend super rich. what did he do with the eight taylors.
so many ys for what. haha. it's not porn lah. at least what i watched weren't. the movie's not r21 for nothing huh.
so many r21 movies, not for watching, only for sticking the wallpaper on my desktop. haha. i haven't even watched any nc16 movie, how to advance to r21 so fast. yea arial size 30's sorta ngihtmare. but i don't have to face it on my comp! ben stiller's...humour lah. what did you do to your camera. i didn't read john's blog.
yesterday was dance ord. but i went to school in the afternoon to help out at the office. walked around with mr foo so much a couple of parents asked if i was his daughter. lol.
tottering about in the general office was pretty fun. but some parents are...harder to handle. i don't like parents who talk too much. and there're some who want to come to nh to appeal and even have to call up the school to ask for directions okay! so much for sincerity.
i didn't know the appeal process was like that. the parent come, fill in a form, submit all the certs together, see mr foo if they want to, then submit the forms back to us, we file them, then finally look through them AT ONE SHOT, then call the students if they're accepted. if they're not, no calls. we have like dunno how many files full of the forms and certs put together lah! and i don't think it's very nice to not all those rejected ones. cuz it's like, the appeal results will be out pretty late, and all of them have to prepare for secondary school life. call le at least they can go get their books and uniform wherever they end up mah.
ohwell. maybe nan hua can't afford telephone bills too high. since so many people came to appeal, and we don't really have many vacancies left. actually there's none, cuz moe filled up all already. only when students transfer out can we have successful appeals.
so yea, talked to office people and learnt pretty much. lunch with mr foo with the dance people, cuz he koped the buffet food. talked pretty much and he identified ten "prettier" girls from among dance. he said our sec four batch may not be the best dancers, but we were definitely the prettiest. haha. then he treated cheri and i to drinks, and gave us his namecard. i've got like, three already. but this time got address one, go visit during cny next year. only for graduates, anybody want to come with me? he says only second day of cny open to us.
mr foo let me off to studio to arrage positions for our rod dance. went back to the office when we were done, and continued appeal stuff. parents could choose to see principal or vp, but most of them chose principal. it's actually them same lah, cuz go see principal/vp doesn't equate to immediate acceptance. it's just to like, talk to understand more about the student and to give advice, like if they're rejected, what their future plans are. mrs siew wanted to help mr foo, but no parents want to see her. lol. so i suggested, since we have the sign in the general office than says principal in/out, so we put out then everybody have to see mrs siew lor.
mr foo got out of his office and introduced me to the parents as his secretary. but had to add that i wasn't his daughter. haha.
when i was halfway through filing, my phone blasted music. ringtone lah, cuz i asked cheri to call me when it was time to be on stage. everybody in the office stared at me, parents alike. i had to apologise profusely, then run up to sky garden.
they changed my position. so instead of being in front where i had pretty much space to dance, they put be at the back, just beside the staircase and rather close to ivy, so there wasn't much space for movement. the position-arrangers wanted a nice formation, so thus. it's like, my original front row had only three people, but my back row had seven. ahh whatever. it's over anyway.
we did our teachers' day dance, a little changes at the end of the girls' part, guys part changed totally and pump it remained pretty much the same. guys' part was really good, compared to their original. choreography was humourous. so yea, we had fun.
danced twice cuz laoshi asked for the second time. junyang junhe xinyu chuharn gave speech. alyssa gave all of us chocolates on nhds's behalf, presented it to junyang. then they formed the red carpet thing for us to walk through, boys one side girls one side. so in the end i only shook all the girls' hands. not a good idea. mix up girls and boys better.
the bestest thing was, everybody prepared LEAVES for us. like, fallen leaves picked up from the ground with messages written on them. i got like, four or five. there was a personalised folded big star too! whoever made it was clever, cuz i got purple.
this is one of the nicer leaves i got. ignore the background, i took it against mr foo's noticeboard.
went back to the office after that, then went home. woke up this morning with rather sore arms and legs. evident lack of exercise. i'm getting fat.
lost my phone's 64mb memory card, so i'm using the one gig card the fourthree guys gave me for my birthday. but that one's completely empty, so my phone's theme-less, snake game-less and dictionary-less, not to mention those image editting programs gone too. but it's got to be somewhere at home.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
tired. and jasmine's gone.
maybe it's time to let go. however hard it is. for me.
note to self: jasmine lynn meng xue flew off this morning. plane took off at seven twenty am from changi airport terminal one, by china air. she says she'll be away forever. she gave me a christmas mirror thing, and i'd nothing for her. she called this morning at five fifty six and i told her i'll email her a message longer than adelaine's letter and that i'll miss her. and stupidly asked if she had a comp in china.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
guitar, tc901
yea glad you did! volunteer for chingay okay! ask yeeching too! then i won't mistake chrysan and her. lol.
are you sure you aren't? cuz i give you short short replies. heh.
this is my guitar! well i took this pic off the net, and it doesn't really show the real colours of my guitar. i shall take a photo of mine soon yea.
i mentioned way earlier that i've been using movie wallpapers for my desktop, so i thought i'll show you guys what i've been having pasted on my screen lately.
love stings. haha. it's a jellyfish on ben stiller's back, if you're still confused. rated r21. so yea, if you can't see the movie, get the wallpaper on your desktop.
so now i've got dane cook and jessica alba stuck on my desktop, and i don't know how long they'll last.
the thing with using movie wallpapers is, they show dates of their release, so you'll know how lag singapore is. like, good luck chuck starts 21sep in the us, but it only reaches singapore on 13 dec. i think the only time we're not lag's when we release movies ourself, like 881 and pao ba hai zi.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
whatever. go to
fish can make me non-senile? haha. the last time i ate fish was...hmm...(oops sign of being senile already)...three days ago i think. or two. fried fish during lunch. and of course my blog looks better with that font. you're the first nice person who listened and downloaded!
The Game/Quiz;
siewkiang says: I remember reading about this game in Myspace and it was hilarious. Here's how the game goes: Google your name followed by the word needs (e.g. siewkiang needs...) and link it to a sentence in the first entry that turns up in your search.
and because i was one of those she googled about, i'm meant to do the same. and i'm googling everyone in my links list. i don't usually search stuff with google. but well.
aaron needs scribbles. but he has nice handwriting leh.
adelaine needs some reading material. i thought she read pretty much? maybe read too much until ran out of stuff to read.
aloysius needs consoling. huh for what. he didn't sound like he did when i sms-ed him the other time..
amber needs to go and, as the toilet is locked, she pees a lake on the garage. doesn't make sense.
andrea needs some help finding stalker songs. does that mean she's aspiring to be a stalker? stalk who?
annabel needs to keep happy, contented and motivated. sure. i hope she sees this.
bernice needs to be paired up with someone that looks older than her. for what? dance?
cecilina needs (wow the first result was mr chow's blog, but it's got nothing i can complete the sentence with, so...) to hang out. yea sure. with me!
charmaine needs a home. she doesn't have one?!
cheri needs a fluency rate of between 79-107 words per minute to be performing at an instructional level for beginning third-grade work. but she speaks fine!
cheryl tan needs to recall the moments several times before she could write. write what? she's suffering from amnesia?
cheryl yeo needs to be addressed as in many other bilingual setting and/or countries. huh don't understand.
chuiping needs smarts to be competitive. smarts as in brains? don't worry about that. fourthree de...
christina needs to advance to the next tier of accomplishment. like being the chingay chairperson or getting into rjc?
eisabess needs (first result was siewkiang's blog, second was eisabess's and third was kuanlian's. so i shall take take next one huh.) to equip myself with skills. myself? as in me? i won't mind photoshop lessons you know.
eugene needs a babysitter. lol. this is classic man.
frederick needs additional water capacity to meet current max. apparently frederick is meant to be the name of a city. haha.
hannah needs a boyfriend. AARON LIM!!
ivy needs to establish itself as high as possible within the canopy. walao google so doesn't understand my ivy's a girl, not a plant.
jeslyn needs 48 hours notice to get room scheduling to set this up. set what up. dance studio?
jasmine needs a new home. yea sure. she'll be leaving on sat, so she'll get her new home soon.
jiabin needs to acquire information about the China IT service globalizing. he doesn't look like someone who'll want connections with china.
jiayu needs to feel loved. that's like, from her blog.
jojo needs a new home. ack. can google stop making my friends dogs?
kaiwen needs to be more than a beat maker. haha same as what sk found. yea, beat what?
liwen needs to add an MPLS multicast tree. what's that. i know rain tree and apple tree and christmas tree...
merrien needs a couple of details. for what?
mr chin(andrew) needs all the prayers he can get. for christmas?
mr chow(daniel) needs a church that will get past the challenges and fears. i'm sure mr chow's happy where he is.
peixuan needs to continue for the player. continue dancing? she's great when she's on stage you know.
qimin needs to charge onnnnnnn here! huh.
rebecca needs enlightenment! probably. but she's christian i thought.
ruennsheng needs to continue to be schooled. he's graduating from pj next year!
ruth needs to heed God's power. yes girl, you'd better do.
shana needs a diet? of course not. she's a skinny girl.
siewkiang needs photos. for her post on council chalet.
siian needs a temporary job urgently. really?
valentina needs a visa in order to be able to remain in Britain. she's in britain?
vera needs no justification. why would she anyway?
weixian needs the truth. whoops that reminds me i haven't told him about my pae registration.
zhiyi needs lots and lots of love now. zhiyi i love you okay!
zhongming needs economic and social development in China. is that going to help nus high expand.
and mine says i need rhinoplasty surgery. i really don't need a nose job like xiaxue okay.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
electrocuted, by camera.
only through the camera okay! cannot compare with joy's. haha.
"sideway glances" sound so...tiko. lol. what leftovers. of course have what. if not what you all give to us. haha. yea i think me and ruth and junli went over when you all were having your bbq. siewkiang just left then, i rmb. i think aaron's hair looks super beng. shhh! don't tell him yea. he never comes to my blog, so it's fine to put that up. maybe i shall get you to make me a nice blogskin, when i'm tired of this current one. and that'll be like, somewhere far far next year, looking at the rate i change my blogskins. promise you won't forget me okay!
BUT TAYLORS ARE EXTREMELY ON THE HIGH SIDE OF PRICINGS!!! (that's just another way of saying that taylor guitars are very expensive.)
i don't know why i've been giving eisabess replies which are as long as my one normal blogging paragraph. RUTH ARE YOU JEALOUS?
i forgot what i came online to blog about.
i was taking pictures of my brother's and my guitars the night before last, when it went out of batt and shut down on me. damn i hate that, and it keeps happening to me, camera or phone. i put off charging it till when i switched on my comp. at first my brain was going, "aiyah later then charge lah." but i fought off the mean green procrastinating goblin and spoke to myself, "ehh steph don't be so lazy lah. plug in only mah."
so i went to my brother's room, where i've been sleeping for a month or so just because i don't feel like sleeping in my room facing those huge stacks of secondary school stuff, and got the camera and retrived the charger from our wire drawer. my mum specially emptied out a drawer in the study to put all the chargers and misc connecting wires for our electronic stuff when we got two cameras a few months back. ahh digress. plugged in the charger and switched on the power. held on to the camera then i had this numb feeling on my finger. thought it was some random numbness but another finger had that sensation when i put it on the camera. then the impulse finally got transmitted to my brain and i understtod that as i was being electrocuted my the camera. but to make sure, i tapped my fingers on the camera a few more times, and now the numbness won't go away.
ack steph you're getting dumb from not studying for nearly a month. yes, in two days' time o's would have past for a month, and it would be time to log in to the moe website to check where we're posted to for the first few months. i already know my results lah. i mean like, when a ten-pointer signs up for a fourteen-point school and puts it as first choice somemore, of course she'll get in right. it'll be a whole different case for people like chiuping, eleven-pointer but went to put nj, a five-point school, as first choice.
i figured i'll have to completely start making friends again when i get into jc because there's a very high possibility that i won't stick to ex-nh people. or even worse, there'll be very little ex-nh people that i can actually stick to. but considering the fact that there are only eighteen jcs and 250 secondary schools, i'll see pretty many nanhuarians.
i'm not making sense. guess that's how people are when they lose hope.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
no particular thing that stood out. except that i knocked my guitar against the wall and the paint scraped off.
orh okay. he must be some rich guy.
hey my blog really looks horrid with arial headings okay. i opened it during chalet and was super shocked. and i realised, i've never talked to you face to face before. you should have like, said hi or something when you and council went over. i didn't see you! there were so many of you and i've only got two eyes and ALOT of things to carry beacuse the rest were tucked away in our even-smaller-than-yours chalet. anyway, thanks loads for the food! sixty more hotdogs, and we finished them all. haha. lemon teas were snapped up before the next morning. and hor, why you tagged aaron's blog with such a funny name arh? and about council chalet somemore. oh yes, we took your sparklers and tongs too. after you guys left we rampaged over to your chalet and salvaged leftovers. (oops super long reply!)
my title for this blog post is "no particular thing that stood out. except that i knocked my guitar against the wall and the paint scraped off."
ahh yes. thankfully it was a not really obvious corner of the instument that went into contact with the wall. and it wasn't on purpose okay.
(i was stuck at eisabess's blog for like half an hour before continuing with this post)
but i really have nothing else to blog about. i shall attempt filling in words for chalet post.
oh ahh. bernice's volunteering for chingay too! any more people willing to sacrifice your 29th dec, 5th jan, 12 jan, 26 jan, 2nd feb, 15th feb and 16th feb? (i actually memorised all the dates) 16th is the real chingay parade, preview's 15th. 5th and 12th are fundraising, the rest are volunteer training sessions. they won't take up the whole day, don't worry, my last training was five hours, and you're allowed to miss at most two sessions with valid reason. read the chingay acceptance post with the letter in purple. under-sixteens can be ushers with qimin ruth jingxiang bernice ranika yihua chrysan and gang, sixteens and above come join me as crowd control. but actually the first five people mentioned are same age as me, no idea why they're in usher. there're other posts too, like traffic management and logistics. there's one where you need to roller blade. if you're interested, please be, visit the youth bank and heartware links on the left column of this blog. (you've got to sign up on youth back to get your cip hours) and let me know if you're joining, just so i'll know. thank you, and i hope to see you there.
oh my. that sounded very formal. just go luh huh. tag/msn/email/sms/call me if you've got questions. i'll see how i can help.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
chingay volunteers' training one.
argh. i actually had to remind my dad of his own birthday.
was meant to meet ruth and qimin and dunno who else at yishun mrt at seven thirty, but there was some hiccups at home so i left late. but in the end i was on the same train as qimin, and ruth called as we alighted to inform us that SHE JUST WOKE UP. so we left first, with jing xiang.
took a really long morning walk man. it's great for the body! but yea, we were late. so were most other people. the school's not very easy to find okay! talked alot, it was nice to know a new friend.
went to register under crowd control but they didn't have my name. took a look at the name list and i asked the ic, "hey why all jc jc poly poly uni uni one. i'm from secondary school leh." then he said if i'm sixteen then it's okay. i had to pause awhile before i was sure that i've reached that legal age. so i filled in my particulars and he tikam tikam assign me into cc1, and i stuck with the other eight people for the rest of the half a day.
i'm really the youngest among the crowd control people okay! ruth cabbed down way later, and she with qimin and jing xiang are ushers. so are many more nan hua next year sec fours, yihua and gang. the crowd control people are like, nj, meridian, nyjc...i had a pj and a ite simei and a ntu in my group too.
the games were...not up to expectations lah. what can you do in a two-minute water fight. and i'm positive i'm going to be organised into another group next training.
oh, i saw ranika at the volunteers training too! and we are trying to psyche hannah into joining as well. that girl actually asked, "are we paid?" haha.
the chairperson said next training need smart casual clothes, "jeans with a polo tee or uniform, school tee." everybody around me went crazy at the thought of pairing up uniform with jeans. it's time to dig out my nh family polo tee.
Friday, December 07, 2007
chalet chalet!
4 dec
really stepped foot into the puny room at night after walking alot within costa sands to find the way then to find dave then finally walk to downtown east with him and back with the rest. as we took off our shoes and walked into the chalet, moron went, "please wash your bloody feet." no we didn't murder. our feet just weren't too clean i guess. pasted up our drawing, drawn by amber coloured by us and stuck with my very low-quality tape, as jiabin kindly commented.
it was first stuck on the wall above the table, but fell off as soon as we put it up. so we transferred it to the wardrobe, since we didn't have much clothing to hang up and there weren't doors.
amber and moron spent forever bathing and after that we talked throughout the night and watched crappy tv shows and used dave's laptop, while jiabin slept with ruth's hairband on at around midnight. woke up soon after.
the corner where we put our bags was in between the doors and our beds. it was relatively neat on the first night, but became chaos as time passed.
we cried hunger in the middle of the night, don't know what time, probably just after midnight. we were super time-blind because there wasn't a clock and none of us wore watches and it didn't really occur to us that handphones show the time. cooked instant noodles ruth brought, using the multi cooker that dave brought and left with us. had to plug out the tv so we could use the socket, and there was a dreadful gas-leak kind of smell as our noodles simmered.
ruth said she has great experience in cooking the shi guo mian, so we left her on the job. then we suddenly realised we had no utensils whatsoever to eat with, so we went next door to ask for chopsticks. innova people occupied the unit beside us, and were nice enough to give us the only three pairs of chopsticks they had left. didn't have the face to ask for more, like bowls or spoons, so we compromised and used the cups provided. that's the real cup noodles okay!
then we crapped more and amber and moron slept. the rest got hungry again at five or so. somebody suggested mcdonalds so me and jiabin and ruth went over to downtown east and tabao-ed back. bernice got on a caffeine high after sipping ruth's tea and began dancing. jiabin's milo had alot of leftover unmelted milo powder at the end so i made another cup for myself. when we were all nice and full, we went to bed at nearly six.
5 dec
woke up at seven fourteen, and heard alot of snoring. didn't think any one of them would wake up, so i left the house with my phone and camera. didn't have any particular place i wanted to go to and i didn't feel like going back to bed, so i began snapping, first outside our chalet. j-07! should have switched off that light outside huh. but i didn't realise it was actually controled by the switch inside until much later.
our neighbours. they took up two two-storey chalets i think. had alot of food and qimin was laughing at them bbq-ing bananas.
called home since i figured my mum would have reached home after work and would be missing me. talked alot and she suggested i go to the beach. so i did, after walking around to find my way. it was not a really sunny morning.sat myself on the nearest breakwater i could find, and was held aghast at the rubbish strewn in the water. no, i was never in the green club in nan hua. even mrs tan doubted the fact. i remember once she asked me, "ehh you not in green club arh? i thought you were." she's the teacher in charge some more.
only a few moments of peace had i before two girls came in running gear blasting too little too late by jojo on a handphone. i was like, what the-? had half a mind to chase them off but decided to be nice. my late chinese teacher said that if we believe that we've got peace, then even the noisiest place will be silent. a few boys came to join them afterwards.
didn't think those were mangroves, they looked like some land trees flooded in high tide.
then another guy sat at the corner of my breakwater. he amazed me by sitting really straight for really long, before finally relaxing. snapped a photo as a bird flew past.
saw the different layers of colours so i took another picture with the rubbish.
turned around actually to stare at the noisy bunch of kids, but to make it less obvious, i took a picture of the coconut trees behind me. somehow the sky looks green.
spotted this yellow buoy far far away fiddled with alot of buttons on my camera before getting this shot. had to take a few more to make sure near-perfect horizontal lines were formed.
then the wind began to blow hard, so it got colder than it was initially, just beside the sea in the morning. goosebumps appeared on my skin and the trees behind swayed.
then the sky became darker, but i didn't want to go back.
took a couple more shots of the sea.
finally i looked around and saw nothing else to photograph, so i left the breakwater and this coke can found its way to beside me on the grass. was finding a nice position for it for a photo, but the group behind (the first few who intruded my breakwater) screamed, "xia yu le!" so i quickly snapped a shot and returned to the chalet.
was pretty wet by the time i reached j07. didn't want to wake the others, so i sat shivering outside and taking more pictures of the disgusting weather. we actually planned to go to escape theme park that morning. so yea it rained..
and rained. so we didn't get to go to escape in the end.
at nine plus ruth received a call from the bbq delivery people. i asked for delivery to be at ten lor! they said between ten to twelve some more. went in the rain to get our food and had a hard time carrying them back cuz it was only jiabin ruth and i. didn't get the foam box from them cuz we're environmentally friendly. ruth and amber, our green reps, were both present at chalet okay! chucked them away in the fridge and began wondering if there'll be enough to go around.
went to public toilet when the rain became smaller and met estella. the previous night ruth and i went over to council chalet with junli and estella said they could give us their leftover food since they were checking out the next day. she said she'll bring them over later.
so later, we saw councillors marching over from their block t to our block j, armed with bags and bags of stuff. i thought jiabin went with my, but when they began handing me many many ntuc bags, i realised i was alone. estella said, "why like only she carry all the things that all of us carried arh!"
then yaozhong went, "ehh! i see the..who arh!"
me, "jiabin?" cuz i though he was nearby.
him, "no no! girl!"
then i looked back. "qimin."
him, "ohh ya ya!"
thanked them profusely and went back to our chalet while they left the place. unpacked and uncovered six packets of hotdogs, one packet of crabsticks, three corns, many cans of ice lemon teas, one whole tray of bee hoon (which we threw away cuz it's gone bad overnight) and supposedly three packets of matches. but somehow we only found one in the end, decked them all in the fridge.
then jiabin mentioned we had no tongs for charcoal. so i went to the evacuated council chalet cuz estella mentioned something about them having tongs but they were dirty so she didn't bring them along for us. took the one on the bench and went back.
don't know why we went back again, me and jiabin, but we did and rummaged through what council left behind and got ourselves another pair of tongs and a whole box of sparklers.
we were all getting bored with watching all sorts of funny shows on the tv and eating potato chips and cheezels so they suggested going to the arcade. in the rain. didn't go with them cuz arcades don't really amuse me.
so, this was the room we stayed for 3d2n. fridge, sinik, then was the bathroom. behind the beds was a parrot painting. i stood where the bags were. and yes, kids central was showing some weird dog show. the 411 picture fell off from the wardrobe due to the lack of quality tape, so we chucked the nine pieces of reused class monitoring forms under the table. and no, we don't make our beds.
bags, on the second day. more plastic bags exposed.
called christina and talked alot about the chalet so far, and heated up green tea to warm myself and attempt detox-ing my body. pretty long later, there were frantic knocks on our back door. they came back from arcade all dripping wet and didn't want to dirty the place, thus the choice of entrance sice the back door was just beside the toilet.
the water i used to heat up my green tea had already cooled down by then, so i heated up another jug of water for to warm them up. moron took cold tablets and slept.
stoned around. i was suddenly struck with the idea of, what you call that, poking satay sticks into hotdogs and chicken wings and crabsticks for bbq-ing. so jiabin helped and we got frostbite from the frozen chicken wings and stinky hands too. there was this sausage that was of a darker colour than the rest, then jiabin said it was pork. "put wrongly one lah. (cuz it was meant to be chicken) but actually no taste difference. different texture only."
hunger pangs again, so we cooked more noodles. this time with added hotdogs. ate straight from the pot, burnt and made many artistic forks.and that's the contents of our fridge. much more full thanks to much more food council added.
and the sparklers. didn't get to use much. they were retrived from a apparently abandoned corner of council chalet porch.
this picture has absolutely no meaning. i don't even know why i took it. but wells.we began barbecuing at no particular time. was just bored and hungry so we started the fire. arranged the charcoal and starters like what i saw on the net, but jiabin rearranged it all and we left him to start the fire. used paper plates to fan the much much smoke thanks to the rain. yayi didn't come because it was raining.
left my camera with bernice, so naturally she took photos mainly of qimin. even before our hotdogs were cooked, we had already opened up our bag of marshmallows and began roasting them.
jiabin told me of how he always did the work when it came to family barbecues, so we left him to do most of the cooking. anyway i guess only he'll be able to stand the heat, considering we're foureleven we were just in charge of eating, most of the time.
this is amber.
and this is the grill on which we cooked our food for the night. i heated up beehoon with dave's cooker inside. and when we had enough food to go around, we all huddled inside with joy and emannuel and junliang, who can't be seen in this photo, and played dare or dare. had many r21 moments where joy had to make sure emmanuel saw none cuz he's like, ten years old.
lighted a few sparklers with ruth and emmanuel, then we figured out the whistling sound was too loud so we quit and kept them away.
then me and jiabin got bored so me went night cycling. apparently we forgot to inform people that we were leaving, so when we returned after an hour, amber was pretty angry at us. the rest were sending dave back, joy and emmanuel left, and junliang was staying over. but we had lots of fun talking throughout the ride.
went for another round of cycling with ruth and junliang after they came back. jiabin wanted to go too actually, but he changed his mind. we rode not very far, but they kept laughing at me for riding slow. i had my mcdonanld's polo tee on, and when we cycled past this group of people, one girl sang, "i'm lovin' it!", the exact words on my shirt. lol.
we went to aloha loyang, then i mentioned that my friends were having their chalet there. itmc lah. then junliang said maybe we could go in, so i called aaron and asked him which block they were in. he said he didn't know. lol. then the line went silent and both of us hung up. then we left to downtown east because amber said she wanted fries.
rode all the way in till we were like, five metres away from macs. then the security guard stopped us and said no bike allowed inside. he didn't even allow us to get our fries first then leave. so ruth went to get the fries while junliang and i pushed the bikes to the bicycle stand. he said he saw one ah beng once, stopped by the security guard for riding in, but didn't care and just rode past. i didn't actually know we couldn't ride bikes in, till he said he actually saw the sign before we went in. talked abit, then ruth came back then we went back to the chalet.
junliang hogged dave's laptop nad began playing videos on youtube, so the rather uninterested me caught a nap and told ruth and qimin to wake me up when they're going to bathe, cuz i smelt of chicken wings. but when i woke up they were already squeaky clean but ruth said cuz they bathed in the chalet (i wanted to go to the public toilet), she didn't wake me up. lol. so we watched more youtube and talked more and i slept with them at nearly six again.
6 dec
woke up to at eight forty seven. walked around and finally washed mysellf up. but nobody was awake, so i went back to sleep again, and woke up for the second time to junliang's alarm at nine. woke all of them up since we had to check out at ten thirty. jiabin did most of the packing and throwing, i did the washing with the detergent that christina brought the previous night. we had to live with oily cups the past two days okay. body wash couldn't remove the oil. junliang the lazy removed the bedsheets only to use them as blankets to continue sleeping. and i thought he was so nice to help us clear up.
emptied the fridge and passed on our leftovers, including sparklers, to the kids next door, those who came in after the innova people left. jiabin and junliang went to return the portable bbq pit in the rain.
there was condensation on the outside, showing how cold it was inside. so we drew. in case you can't see, it's "411 =) love is in the air" watched more tv and when it was ten thirty, i went to return the key while the others were still starting to leave. so we can actually return the key and stay for a few more hours huh. waited for the rest to return our rented bikes, then we left on bus 354 and sat our butts in the mrt from pasir ris to jurong east together, afterwhich junliang walked home, qimin ruth amber moron took the red line, and i sat back all the way to boon lay.
i don't think we'll have another foureleven chalet, will we?