Monday, March 26, 2007


i don't understand. why do we always lose to 4/8?

kengyang says it's fate. but i believe i've got fate in my hands. and i'll change it.

foureleveners, whether you read my blog or not, and whether you give a damn or not, i want us to do it together.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


dance prac today was nice!!

except that running round the school barefoot has scraped off some nice layers of skin at the balls of my feet, so i can't walk comfortably now. eek. next time must wear shoes to run, dear exco.

execution of the dances were great, guess putting in your all really makes a big big difference. it may be tiring but when you hear the people in front clapping and when you know you've put in the effort, the feeling's indescribable. the panting becomes all worth it, not to mention the bruises.

thank you weicong for telling me where to improve. thank you zhongyi and weihong for coming back to help us out. thank you that someone who decided to make us run first thing on the agenda, it really woke me up.

i like running(:

and oh, i've updated my photoblog so do go take a look. link's at profile.

you've done alot these 15 years
you've contibuted endless.

not everyone and anyone can replace you
in fact, nobody can.

i'll miss you if you're gone,
i'll notice if you're gone.

and no, you don't have to imagine.

and no, that wasn't anything near a love declaration.

Friday, March 23, 2007


first they teach you circumference. 2pi x r.
then they teach you circumcircle, a circle touching all three vertex of a triangle.

what's next? circumrectangle?

math's getting on my nerves. all the disorganization in the giving out of maths past year papers, we don't even know what we're supposed to get.

trigo rocks man. first they tell you toa cah soh. then it's tan=sin/cos, cot=cos/sin, cosec=1/sin, sec=1/cos, cos^2 + sin^2=1, tan^2 +1=sec^2, cot^2+1=cosec^2. then d/dx(sin)=cos, d/dx(cos)+-sin, d/dx(tan)=sec^2. then you have product rule and quotient rule with trigo as well. how can you not love trigomometry, when it's such a big word that it's trigonometrical, and comes in the market in all shapes, sizes and colour?

appreciate trigomometry. love its variety. you can't get it anywhere else.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

march holidays?

i'm still sick.

and school's reopening tomorrow.

i'm happy, really. about school, not about being sick.

i like school. it's not nice staying at home, i think it elevates my illness. new timetable says there's one hour of maths everyday. and cep's going to be right after recess on mondays. no more malay. still it's three periods of geog with almost nothing to be taught, cuz we always go out of point.

well. i haven't finished holiday homework.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

step OUT.

i've left the shadows behind
defeated the gnarling monsters
been given a new lease of life
haven't i?

inching away from the advancing quicksilver
it was hard
but i've done it
haven't i?

i haven't forgotten, i just don't want to remember.

mummy says i seem happier this year(:

Sunday, March 11, 2007

one week's worth.

a 7-day mc and amoxicillin & clavulanate potassium, an antibiotic that causes gastric and diarrhoea, to occupy my march holidays.

what happiness, blithe and elation.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

winners or losers?

“It’s a draw, umpire, how do we decide on the winner?” the timekeeper questioned, after the end of the netball match was marked by a double blow of the whistle.

It was a demanding match for us, BROTHERS. It was our third match of the day, whereas the opponent, the Eighters, had only been through two before coming against us. The winner of this match would play against Doubles for first and second placing.

The umpire skimmed through the match reports. We scored the first ball of the match, and have the highest score so far. “BROTHERS win,” she announced, “please prepare for your next match.”

Deafening cheers had sound waves bounced everywhere. We were never expected to come this far.

While downing water, tactics for the final match were discussed. Doubles would not be an easy opponent. We would give the match our all. The Eighters were observed to be having some commotion with one of the officials, but we dismissed it as nothing important. We were proved wrong.

After ten minutes, when our final match was to take place, the official came to us.

“Eighters has requested for a rematch. In the case of a draw, which the previous match was, as stated in the rules, a shoot-out was to be held for the winner to emerge. However, the umpire did not do that, so after much discussion, we thought that we should hold a second match. We know it’s unfair to you, we regret that his has to happen, but to prevent more commotion, I appeal for your going on with the rematch.”

We tried to resist. It was like snatching away our hard-earned achievement openly. Since the umpire had declared us the winner, that was what we were, and nothing could change that. Our captain changed our minds. “They’re sore losers, let them be. We’ve got better sportsmanship, let’s do as they want, and go for the match. If we can beat them once, we’ll be able to do it again.” It was a huge morale booster. We cheered ourselves up and advanced to the court.

The Eighters were especially violent this match. Guarding became shoving and toe-stepping, all of which the umpire seemed oblivious to. Despite shouts of encouragement from fellow members during the match, we lost to them, 3-1. They were the winners of this match, to play against the Doubles the next. We, however, were left to play against Fortyniners for third and fourth placing.

The results were out soon, Doubles for the championship, Eighters second, us BROTHERS third.

Eighters may have achieved a position higher than ours in the game, but in terms of sportsmanship, they failed through and through. The placing in the game was no longer important to us, for we knew very well that, with our abilities, we could do much more. What was important in the end was that we enjoyed every moment of the games together as a team and displayed a high level of sportsmanship. Nobody could beat us in that.

“Congratulations upon getting third,” the guest-of-honour told our captain, shaking her hand at prize-giving. “If I could, I’ll give you a first for sportsmanship. Well done.”

Who were the real winners and losers? You decide.

note: i'll most probably not come online during the holidays, thanks to me being sick (ill, not pervertic) and the mount everest of homework. enjoy your time online!(:

Thursday, March 08, 2007

x country 07

i completed the x country route okay!!

1st time in my years at nan hua, 1st time in my two times running. haha. was held back, however, by stitches and asthma. asthma was, i tell you, super scary. i could hear my gasping for air through the earphones.

but i finished among top 50, maybe even less. happy enough.

and read this, every single word and alphabet and punctuation:


though we know very well we could get 1st or 2nd. 3rd was due to some unforeseen circumstances, and thus we, with utmost sportsmanship, agreed for a rematch with a certain class. well, they may have won us in the end, but in terms of sportsmanship, the very vital, we have come in tops. well done, 411 BROTHERS!!

thank you 4/2 for coming in first.

thank you God for blessing nhhs with fine weather and successful road run, though i cannot deny, i've got a sunburn. haha.

thank you ruth, who spent her time from x country dismissal to 4.30 pm with me, getting to so many places, and sending me to 3rd lang finally. ((:

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

man on the mrt

i was getting out of the mrt, lugging my bag, my c lit file, german file and handphone. with my earpieces on. the man who had sat beside me was getting off at the same stop, so he was like, behind me. pushed our way through, cuz people weren't responding to his very loud "excuse me"s. when we were around 2 metres from the door and blocked by commuters with a serious cavalier attitude, he tapped my shoulder.

guy: can you take this (pointing to his ear, indicating earpiece) off and talk louder so people can hear you?! now MOVE!!!

well. i muttered a "okay, i'm sorry.", took off one side of my earpiece while he continued his "excuse me"s till we barged out of the train. and he looked sophisticated, like coach luke. looks do deceive, no?

and why do i care that the 唐宋八大家(韩愈,柳宗元,王安石,欧阳修,苏辙,苏轼,苏洵,曾巩 made an impact on the 唐宋派 and 桐城派 and 阳湖派?what business is it of mine that 淳于髡 was 齐之赘婿 and was 聪明过人,以幽默善讽的语言与无拘束的行为 go 劝谏君王,让齐国威行三十六年?and what's with the 三杨 (杨士奇,杨荣,杨浦)and their 台阁体 and 浮华的词藻?and why did 竟陵派even bother to 以涩救滑?would it matter to me that 大赋 was 夸张,散韵结合,不歌而诵 and 铺排?庄子can be his 艺术家 for all that i care, 智辨,重欣赏,主观 and 移情 for all he wants, thinking that 人乐鱼亦乐 and we should all, like him, 继承老子天道无为的自然观,believe that 一切事物是相对的,无物质区别。惠子 can go argue with him about 人知鱼之乐 till the end of time, and it's not going to make a difference to me.

but. because 《秋水》移情益智,哲理深厚,抒情,求真,超然,巧辩,韵味无穷,令人深思 and 《滑稽列传》's 形象鲜明,富有戏剧性,i've got to remember everything from 先秦's 甲骨卜辞 to 五四's 鲁迅,周作人,陈独秀,冰心,郁达夫,徐志摩,朱自清 and 丰子恺,not forgetting 庄子's 《秋水。庄子》and 司马迁's 《史记。滑稽列传》. to get a perfect score in chinese literature like i did for 唐诗 the other time.

i'm going to study.

Monday, March 05, 2007


congrats to all sports groups in nan hua for getting into nationals! softball, basketball, badminton, table tennis, netball.
ALL okay, how many of you other schools out there have that? haha.

mr foo: stephanie!
me: yea?
mr foo: 你考得怎样?
me: 我 e maths 全班最高,可是 a maths fail leh.
mr foo: ...
(uncle at the key return corner sniggers.)


Sunday, March 04, 2007

holy glow

the morning sun shone through the lavatory window, casting its light onto the toilet bowl. the white ceramic strncture seemed to emit a holy glow, as if sent from heaven.

oh manns. your brain starts working weirdly when you begin feeling cuckoo.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


well. despite having ruth praying for me, i'm still not having anybody accompanying me to the career fair tomorrow. gahh.

nevermind. being alone has it's good points too.

actually wanted to blog bout something, but i forgot what. i seriously need sleep. look at the time now.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

nhds msn loves.

shana: this is a reminder to all dancers that there is no dance practices this week and next week, till after common test the wednesday (7/3/2007). [:

please take note.
me: but i've got common test on the 7th, so do all sec 4 lit people.
shana: oh.. you can come after your lit paper. =)
me: that's abit unfair, no? you guys get how many days break and we have to come right after our paper.
junyang: sorry for any inconvenience caused, but thats the way it is. if you think our SYF dances are doing well, especially the one you're in [cultural], then you can consider not to come. whether to come or not, its your choice and nobody can force you. but please note that it is the amount of commitment you are giving in to dance.
me: haha. well, to make it fair, let's have dance prac resumed on friday yar? how does that feel?

extracted from dance msn group. tomorrow's last 2 papers for sec 4 common tests, cuz i don't know bout the other levels. last 2 except for lit people, who will be having their test AFTER SCHOOL on 7 March, wednesday, the day which dance is supposed to resume. i'm a chinese lit student, hence the bout of frustration upon sight of the message shana posted. what heightened the immense emotion was her very convenient, nonchalant-sounding reply that i could attend dance after my test.

i don't actually care about how many days of break you guys get, but if i can't get it after my common tests, i don't see why you all deserve it. and how junyang's tone was like. is it saying i'm-being-so-sacarstic-about-your-attitude-please-fuck-off ? well, sorry if you didn't mean that, but that's how, i, as a lit student, portray your message. my apologies again.

and i made that suggestion at the end so they can have a taste of how it feels, like, having to attend dance right after brain-wringing common tests. and they don't know what a chinese lit paper's like.

i shall, see, whether or not i'm going for dance on wed. i'll skip it if i feel mentally exhausted after the very demanding chinese lit paper. when my brain's tired, i doubt my body will react to stuff properly as well so i don't see any point in going for dance after c lit test. haha.

walked home with jiayu, shuling, supeng, vera and jane some time ago. a few of them were rushing home cuz they had a test the next day. so they were walking super fast. then, jiayu tripped on something and fell, scraping her knee. but she got up and continued walking even faster, hoping to reach home as early as possible so she can study more.

i've must say, her determination's really commendable, but was there really a need to rush like that? like i told supeng, how much earlier can you reach home, walking so fast? you might still have to wait for the train, taking the same one, after waiting for 7 mins, as the people who didn't spend their time rushing. even if you do catch a train or two earlier, how much more early does that make you? 15 minutes? yes, it may be precious time, but is it worth scraping your knee and bearing the pain all the way home to achieve that 15 minutes? the time you spend to clean the wound may already take up more than 15 minutes.

for me, if i know i've reached home early, i'll have the mindset that i'll have an additional period of time. then i'll slacken, so ultimately, i don't make good use of my time as well, and all the rushing has been wasted.

reaching home early and spending more time studying doesnt necessarily result in good marks, it depends on how you study, and what you study. if you reaching home 15 minutes earlier to cram information into your brain last minute, i doubt, as compared to another person who reaches home late but has been constantly revising, that you'll do better.

quoted from the poem given during srp: "slow down, don't dance so fast. time is short, the music won't last." sounds ironic, but if you think it through, it makes sense. don't rush through everything, take your time. you don't have all the time in the world, so do take time to appreciate what's around you, things and people. don't keep focusing on work or studies, it defeats the purpose in life. why would God create us to live like a robot, doing boring routines everyday?