Sunday, December 31, 2006
last day'06
cheryl y (llama!)
ellisse (for the adventure when getting your bag)
felice (fleas inc.)
gen (for running to classes getting people out with me)
jessie (for the time at the noticeboard)
jojo (for always reminding us that sleeping's the best way out)
joy (for being satay girl)
yuhui (for the time at the noticeboard)
qimin (for always singing)
emily (for looking at the draft messages and saying you love me)
amber (for the wonderful months we sat together)
cheryl t
ena (for the love-filled notes you gave)
peifang (for spending the last few weeks at school with me)
yanglu (for filling the class with music, for the time at the noticeboard)
jeslyn (for the punctual relay messages, class and dance)
qingyun (the the time at the noticeboard, for just being nice)
honglin (for never giving up when it comes to english, for all your love)
yuhong (for not coming to school half the time)
jk (for the fantabulous 4 months 8 days)
zhengyao (for the three months you spent with us)
jiabin (for being my friend, hating me then being my friend all over again)
patriot (for the three months you spent with us)
being in 311 has really made me grow up.
ms eileen saw (for being there then)
mrs ng pui yin (for the six months)
mdm yong (for never being able to be angry with us)
mrs tan (for always giving us hope on maths)
mdm chong
mr see (for saying you'll never give up on us)
ms sathi (for the fabulously wonderful ss lessons)
mr yeo (for the soul searching talks you gave up lessons for)
mdm wang jian ping (for not giving up on me)
ms wassan (for all your love)
ms yang (for the few months of chem)
mdm camila teo (for being there)
mr foo (for the many words and biscuits ad chocolates)
mdm sung (for being so nice)
mr phua (for remembering my name)
mr low (for all you've put in for dance)
mr richard chia (for the 5 tap lessons at the non-airconditioned classroom)
your guidance has been a very crucial element in school.
aaron (for always being there)
chiuping (for the many many treats and organising 2/1 outing)
annabel (for the late night phone calls lately)
liwen (for the many lunches we had together)
cheri (for teaching me teachers' day dance)
elaine (for the three months at chinese lit class)
domenic (for the bag adventure)
edward (for the bag adventure)
jian hui
yu nian
dai chao
jun jie
wan ting
kit yeng
zhi yong
jerry (for running everywhere with us, for taking care of my stuff, for the slurpees)
aloysius (for reliefing jerry, for the milo, for the photos, for the birthday present)
fauzie (for the birthday present)
grace (yes i've still got your cd, so sorry)
xin jie
siew kiang
shi bin
shi ping (for the relief pe lessons too)
liang yuan
jing er
miss lim (you departure has indeed spurred both my brother and i along)
and loads more people who've left footprints.
and of course
auntie pui sang
uncle jack
auntie siewmei
uncle james
and all extended family members. without you there wouldn't be me.
sorry if i didn't mention your name(s), as chinese always put it, 恕不尽录.
really looking forward to 2007. 411, syf, 90th anniversary, o levels, here i come!
happy new year everybody, there's still like 15 mins left of 2006. ((:
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
301's having their chalet right now, and lots of other classes already had theirs. and what're threeleveners doing now? what have we done during holidays? slack bah. that's like, our class trademark. but remeber what ms wassan said in the beginning of the year? we're supposed to be the second highest in results. though it's pretty eminent that we're the second LAST, i've got faith we'll be able to revive! like some fan1 shen1 sai4 in competitions. hehh. we're going to mug for our os, fellow sec-3s-going-to-4s people! look out for the 28 of us!
and boxing day's supposed to be present-exchange day. cuz once upon a time, all presents were placed in boxes and it was only until the day after christmas that people got together and exchanged theirs for someone else's. bada-bing!
went to pri sch with bro 2dae, to buy the rest of the missing books. the queue wasnt really lone, like, 20 people bah. but the service was super slow. and aunties were cutting queue and chatting and their kids were wrecking havoc. so, after more than an hour, it was our turn, and it turned out that the bookshop hasn't received the books from the supplier yet! wth. should have asked if the had the books before queueing. there was this mum who went forward to ask and got the books her son needed even without queueing. how convenient.
well. another day wasted. cold days make me want to sleep.
Monday, December 25, 2006
merry christmas!
haha. i'm back. not too long a break, i suppose. and no, i didn't go overseas whatsoever, if you were thinking along that line. juse didn't really have the time to sit down and blog properly, and i don't think it's fair to you guys if i do my entry hastily. so here i am, on christmas night, at home.
well, that's not really saddening, because i had an outing earlier! haha.
brought my bro to jp to watch night at the museum in the afternoon. 1.50 show. bought tix with gift vouchers from my aunt (not a xmas gift) then went for lunch at pizza place. 1 student set each. and when paying, you've got to show your student pass, or else pay $2 more. lol. we did have ours though.
had extra time so we walked round before going into the cinema. and they use 10 mins for advertisements.
rather nice show, 2 hours, but didn't feel like it was that long. for the plot, go read movie reviews. or watch it yourself. i think i'll give it 3.5 stars out of five.
bro said he was hungry after the movie, so went back to pizza place for potato pudding. it would be nice if they didnt put in the mixed vegetables, you know, the corn and carrot and peas mixture.
heard from a show, where a doctor said that the mixed vege's a good addition to kids' food, because they like the colours and thus will eat vege. oh please. how many of you out there have to actually be forced to even take a nibble of the garish little things? my bro was actually removing every singale one out of his pudding, and mind you, that's alot.
i don't know why they invented it anyway. seems like it's a cheap alternative for hawkers to incorporate vege into their food, so it'll be considered "the healthier choice". lol. food'll much much better without the things. and i dont think peas and carrot and corn, processed and removed of most, if not all, of its nutrients, are considered vegetables.
and cooks generously put it into kids; food, thinking that they really like it. i suppose the average baby, upon seeing the yellow and orange and green, will first be tempted to try, but after the first time, would not want any thing like those in his/her mouth. but parents, when they first see their kids eating those, will think that they like it nad buy more, then make the child eat them. wth.
and some food stalls even add cream to the mixed vege and sell it as salad.
but of course there are some people out there who love the bright little cute vege, like the friend of amber. and i suppose it's minority. hope.
i'm not going to break the rice bowls of the manufacturers of the food, so no petition wil be set up to ban the production in singapore. lol. but boy, do those vege turn me off.
went ikea yesterday, and got a drape for my room! click on the drape word to see it. actually wanted to upload the pic but somehow can't. maybe they copyrighted it? haha. the real thing looks better than what's in the pic. ikea meatballs are nice! but my mum doesnt like it. and their nasi goreng has the mixed vege too. saw loads of looks-like-delicious food, but didnt try. haha. the refrigerated stuff lah, cakes, pies, salads.. shall try some the next time i go, which is like, not very soon?
plaza sing supposedly has a shuttle bus service at the bus stop at tiong bahru road, which they say is opp. tiong bahru mrt station. but, the bus stop opp. redhill mrt is tiong bahru road, and they hung a poster there saying that the shuttle service is opp tiong bahru mrt at tiong bahru road! confusing. maybe they hung the same thing at the bus stop opp. tiong bahru mrt too.
discovery centre visit with family on saturday. inside the things cannot take pic, security guard siad. but, inside so dark, oso hard to take pic lah! they had a "so singapore" video, and one of the ns men looked greatly like aloysius! haha. no jerry though. maybe see wrongly. don't like that video, too much singlish. where got people say full singlish one? like, it's damn fake, damn aunite and damn embarrasing singapore, as if our 4.1 million population cannot even speak a speck of proper english. and the dancers arh, the movements super small lah! ugly..
they've got interactive games which you play in teams, but the pace's too slow for comfort. left one halfway. played that one only. their movies arent bad, but i think the misadventures in 3d one doesnt really have a plot. like, it's just the 3d stuff that keeps people sitting there. the adrenaline rush and wired to win not bad. haha. i shall try skydiving one day.
not really worth sacrificing your time to go, but it's okay for casual visits. cuz if you go there with high expectations, most probably you'll leave disappointed. their safti bus tour doesnt promise much too. like, where's lunch at the cookhouse as stated in the brochure? and the guide doesnt concentrate. said, "the sports hall has four basketball courts, one volleyball court and one basketball court." lol. so it has five bb courts and one vb vourt? dunno.
got a dragon painted on my arm, face painting's part of the christmas thing there. dunno why, but most people end up painting their arms instead of their faces at such booths. thought dragons were ahlian, but they didnt have other stuff complicated enough. what's the point of getting people to draw hearts and ribbons or flowers and butterfies when you can actually do them yourself? haha. halfway through, i though i should actually ask them to draw me an octopus. don't know what got into me.
buffet steamboat and bbq dinner on friday, at chin huat at marina south. started at 6.30 and finished 2 hours later. lol. didnt eat much of the seafood stuff, had more of their tapioca dessert. nice hor! went to count tiles leading to the beach place. 6859 or smthn. haha.
going swimming tomorrow, then i'll hibernate till school reopens. hope to go out some more though, what're holidays if you stay cooped up at home being a couch potato? yes, of course teachers, i havent forgotten to study. haha.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
arm's fine! thanks people!(:
went vivocity with dad and bro today, bro got sweets from candy empire, then we walked and walked and went out and went to top level where we took off our shoes and walked in the water thing. and took photos. there was this boy ard three yrs old, splashing water in the pool with his maid and sister. thought the scene was picturesque, whatever the spelling, so asked the maid if i could take a pic. she said okay so i went ahead. haha. and the boy was wearing a shirt the same brand as mine! polo ralph lauren. haha. i had my blue one on, his was yellow and black horizontal stripes.
took a little more photos. nothing really much there. dad and bro got smthn frm daiso. walked more, got hungry, went to b2 to find food. shared tiramisu gelato with my bro! and he ate tauhuay too. funny place to have beancurd jelly.
then went home. vivo's not that spectacular, people.
've got programmes lined up till christmas! discovery centre tomorrow, steamboat and barbeque on sat, ikea shopping on sunday, then it'll be merry christmas!
sent xmas cards, hope you guys who have them, like them.((:
Sunday, December 17, 2006
and the doc say just 推 abit and 拉松 can liao. lol. push and pull at the same time. then he did stuff that laoshi already did for me, the 推-ing part. then he 拔罐-ed, like, placed a little glass jar at where it hurt and used a suction thing to suck the air out, making the skin swell inside. then when he took it out there were like blood clots in the shape of a circle, where the jar was. lol. and he said it'll take two or three days to go off. then he put a bandage on my arm, and now it looks like that.

haa. shan't let you see what's under the bandage, it doesnt look nice.
went jp with my bro after that. to see the 15 feet log cake. actually thought it was 15 feet high, tuned out to be that long instead. chey. and the dancing christmas trees arent nice cann. went scoopz to get ice cream for him then walked around to see what i can get for ppl for christmas. got myself something too! then went down and joined the queue for log cake. sorta cut queue-ed, but there wasnt any obvious one so it's not counted. but anyway, got our slice and a bag of cookies each then sat down to eat and went home.
and the lady at the wallet shop was nice! gave me a bigger bag so i can put all my other stuff in(:
had to bathe with one hand cuz i'm not supposed to get the bandaged part wet. for four days. it's not easy, i tell you.
shall end the post here ba. arm hurts like a super big blue-black. it actually is lah.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
so my holidays officially starts. two weeks. i shall see what i can do with it. before school reopens then i'll be part of 411. first time nh has more than 9 sec 4 classes ba.
and i found a band whose name's 311. haha.
nothing much to blog bout today, will be receiving visitors later, my aunt and uncle and two cousins. mum's side(: steamboat dinner!!
when laoshi said i cant eat sour stuff, chicken and bananas cuz of my arm, vera asked, "then what can you eat?" i went, "vege lor. still got more food other than those i cant eat what." then my mum added to the list cold stuff, coffee, tea and beans. haha. seems like i'll really have to stick to vege. arm's getting worse. hope it'll get better before school reopens.
oh grace, i've got your cd. will return the next time i see you, maybe school reopen ba. haha. still got long way to go, real sorry.
Friday, December 15, 2006
sec4'06 ord
miss yeo didnt come today as promised. wei song didnt come for dance like laoshi said he would. not all sec fours came back today.
sec fours ord today. by the time you reach this blog, you must have read about it for umpteen times, so i shall not describe the event. go read the other blogs for that. haha.
earlier today, i drafted a message in my phone, saying that "if there's anything i want the sec fours to know, it's to thank them for memories, because every batch leaves a different impact on dance." the sec four batch hit me as a pretty slack group. maybe it's because we didnt have much to do, chingay earlier this year and ndp following. so we didn't really have the chance to see them armoured.
but i cried during ord. the same statement kept running through my mind. "it'll be my turn next year." those were tears of fear, tears of uncertainty. fearing for what will happen throughout the next year, unsure of our abilities. will we be able to leave dance as a successful society? or will we make it fall? will we be remembered for the effort we put into dance, or for the ugly side of us? will we be able to meet expectations?
they're still unanswered. as they walked down the aisle, it was a feeling of lonliness. we're officially on our own now, sec 3s. hands were shook, hugs were given, tears were cried. it's the same every year, but the feeling this time round's different. i've never felt this way before. somebody tell me what it's supposed to mean?
i'm not really close to the sec fours. just that dallan likes to hit my head. and we've got the same bag model of different colour. haha. other than that i think the rest are just random people whom i randomly talk to and have randomly met in my life. still, seeing them leave's difficult. cuz it'll be my turn next.
vitamin c's graduation says it well, "I keep thinking times will never change/ Keep on thinking things will always be the same/ But when we leave this year we won't be coming back/ No more hanging out cause we're on a different track", "Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down/ These memories are playing like a film without sound", "As we go on/ We remember/ All the times we/ Had together", "I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye/ Keep on thinking it's a time to fly"
of course there are much more deeper feelings waiting to be expressed, but they are too bombastic to be reduced to words.
the time will come soon, the time that we love and hate. we'll move further in life, but still put down things that have been with us for a period of time. it's a matter of letting go, but sometimes it's not that easy.
i've never stayed in a cca for more than three years. in p2, i was in drama, then computer club in p3, robotics from p4 to 6, swimming from p5 to 6 and calligraphy in p6. yes i had three ccas when i was p6. haha. then in secondary school, dance's lasting four years. i think it's the duration that forges the ties.
and i realised my ccas are pretty random. like, no link whatsoever. maybe i'll consider a sport when i go jc, tho my mum prefers that i go back to digital stuff. haha. we'll see.
we shall do the proper post now.
didn't dance much cuz of my arm, didn't wrap it cuz felt there was no need. then people thought it's healed. like, miracle healer that takes only two days? lol.
was supposed to have buffet at 3, so didn't have proper lunch, drank the milk i brought, ate biscuits wenjie gave me(thanks(:), and ate biscuits that i put into the tin. haha. then i prepared syrup for them too. but can't drink cuz it's cold): told 3 sec 1 guys to go wash the cups, but they ended up puling more people. nvr listen to instructions. then angeline wanted to help too, but i told her to leave it to the guys. "girls help at home, guys help in school." doesnt make sense lah, but wuz rather suitable for the situation.
then suddenly before we went down to perpare for buffet cuz sec 3s were serving, wenjie came up to me and said, "about just now hor, thank you." then i went, "huh? what did i do?" then he said cuz i asked them to go wash the cups. lol. you're welcome wenjie.
buffet was rather successful, packed three boxes or rice and one box on vege after that. seniors ate the fried rice, but i think they left the vege. cuz it didn't look too appetizing bah. haha. and we emptied the fruit punch into out syrup dispenser. haha. if only we were supplied well prepared cold fruit punch every single dance prac.
well. and i told mr foo to cry when i graduate. (:
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
right arm.
then this morning it hurt like mad. so during dance laoshi wrapped my arm up with the triangular bandage. then everybody was either looking at me or asking what happened. haha. aa!
but it really hurts cann. even as i'm typing now. i think arm pulls are worse than leg pulls, comparing the time i pulled my left leg and now my right arm. i think it's cuz i'm right-handed? haha.
and i cant do stuff i can do with my right hand with my left hand! like, this morning i tried to stir my drink with my left hand but realised i cant draw circles with it. haha. then i tried using my left hand to brush my teeth but can't too. lol. but i can never hold an ice cream cone with my right hand. weird right?
printed my exco posts and the dance post for weicong. cuz his comp broke down and he cant see what people are heavily discussing. haha.
i think we cultural people really disappointed laoshi today, cuz it turned out that only pretty little people could guo bei, less than half of the 20++ he expected. i did try, but, haha, didnt realise it would be that important so didn't try to perfect it. but anyway, zi ang's doing it with yinghui now, so it's fine.
brandon, don't talk bout me guo-ing bei with one hand lerr arh. haha.
so we finished all our biscuits today, then laoshi had the grads go get the worst tasting biscuits so we won't eat biscuits for the taste, like we do for the lemon or cashew nut biscuits, but to fill our growling stomachs. haha. and they came back with cream/soda biscuits, those square big ones, and marie biscuits. and it didn't get wiped out. haha.
oh. and somebody feedbacked that exco's not being fair. like when modern dancers were slogging their guts out during prac last week, we pumped alot. but this week, when the cultural dancers, including chairman and disc and welfare and props, had their tiring practices, we weren't pumped that hard. so this way, it isnt fair to modern? well, but all of us are tired out this week lah. maybe the exco did it for the good of all.
oh, thanks constance for the christmas present!(:
Monday, December 11, 2006
replies to exco suanning in dance blog.
had a "debate" with a senior about my entries not long ago. then he ended by saying that we've got "real different views". haha. that's exactly what the debate's for? dunno, but he did start it, like random convo out of nowhere when we dont actually talk.
maybe my words dont make sense to seniors who've been thru much more than me. they've got more experiences, whether successful or not. but still, it's a few years more of lessons learnt. therefore i don't think it's wrong for them to talk to me about my views, since there are certain times, which are rather often in actual fact, that i make mistakes. jiabin was once jokingly scolded more making so much mistaks in the bio paper when he was the bio rep, but he just answered, "people do make mistakes." yes, that saying is true, and i dont think it will change, no matter how hard one tries. not like a saying i mentioned in one of my previous posts.
also, because people do make mistakes, i'm sure our seniors, too, have times when people correct them. but then again, many mistakes are often left unsolved because of various reasons. nevertheless, it's about "face" matters mostly.
by posting my disagreement with the dance society on my blog, it does not mean that i totally cannot accept or am not the slightest bit moved by the exco. posting complains instead of praises has its uses too. you think if i were to tell everyone how impressive the exco is, i'll get more readers? haha. but of course me posting comments of exco's not to draw bees to honey. it's just giving me a platform to let out what i've been keeping throughout the day. you may say that there are better means like writing or talking to somebody else, but, haha. i type faster than i write or talk. and it's been proven.
he asked why i seem to keep driving at the credits of leading dance. as in, what i get back in return for leading dance. well, everything's talking bout credit yea? if you work and dont get money, will you still do it when there's another job that you can do and pays? it's not necessary for an eagles award from leading dance, seeing the society rise is already a pretty good form of credit. but, will you do it wholeheartedly if you're not confident of it and people around you are not lending hands? well, maybe, like he said, people who are willing to sacrifice will do. but does sacrificing mean giving up your precious youth? even though in the society now, much of our youth has already gone down the drain, but is it worth it to spend it to improve a cca that you're officially part of for four years, when you can spend the time to inject knowledge into you brain that will help you through your life?
i don't know. i've been brought up to think that studies are much much more important in official schooling years than ccas. and i'm forbidden to visit my primary school. well, maybe it's because of this that i don't really feel much for nhds, cuz i know i won't be a part of it after i grad anyway, not like some seniors who come back frequently can help out with stuff.
so to sum things up, i'll still continue posting my thoughts, be it bout exco or anything i feel worthy of discussion, in my blog, and yes, you people out there are welcome to share your feelings(:
so yea. let's continue with today's post.
went on gao qiao today, after three days of mia. fell when khoon hui held me. haha. not your fault lah, dont worry. i dont think you will anyway(: then got okay and was on gao qiao when they jihe-ed cultural for pt. cuz i started late, like at 5+ when pt was near 6. farni expressions from people lah. junyang was looking at me and tou-xiaoing, cuz i cant possibly do 20 push ups and sit ups plus running round the school in gao qiao. then while i was walking to jihe some people were like,"jihe lah, still walk! later pump you arh!" lol. cuz i cant sit down, siaun went, "attitude arh! jihe stand up!"
but i did go down the gaoqiao in the end. thank you peixuan who helped me fall and realised my hands were super cold. haha.
was at ma bu for 3 mins. i think it's rather tedious for starters. like, 180 seconds leh. gradual increase from maybe a minute would achieve better results.
seems like there isnt much today. pai-ed abit of the dance but paused cuz laoshi wuznt feeling too okay and went home. get well soon!(:
oh, in case you guys think im biased against exco, there are good points bout them. they make sure we get our cha shui every prac, and biscuits too, and dont complain even though we wipe nearly a tin clean everyday. they keep the dance practice in order too, like making sure everybody has something to do by making us to regimens like gym. other times we could be slacking like mad while others sweat it out with practise of different stunts, like cai gao qiao. of course, we must not forget that they are the ones who remind us to drink water with pinches of salt added to keep our body well-hydrated. haa. or well-drained in geog terms. soon, after the syf, they will also be the ones to announce teh results to us, and whether good or bad, they're the ones to shield us from the enormous impact. so, thank the exco, people!(:
Saturday, December 09, 2006
open season i max!
haha. cuz the rule says we cant change into outside clothes in school. dunno why.
yea so while i went to change, supeng helped me get bubble tea then we went mrt station.
had dinner at jec kopitiam. haha. all the stuff we ordered weren't that nice.
left for omni theater to watch the 9pm show. four tix at $12 each. dad paid cuz it's his bdae. lol.
imax de open season abit weird lah. dunno. made the movie seem short. like, one moment i just sat down, the other moment the movie ends. haha. when the show ended we were like going to other seats to see from where the view would be better. hehh. but i don't think we'll be there anytime soon. i dont like those documentary thingy.
oh. and i didn't go on gao qiao yesterday. wanted to, already took my shoes and preapred the gaoqiao, but then there were more important things to do like imparting the knowledge of cai gao qiao to others. so i guided supeng while she tried to learn. haha. now i know what a hard time it was for the people who held me. realli trains your arm muscles man. but at least they had fun learning. hope supeng gets it right fast and goes on the three fet one. haha. it's a joy watching others learn and improve. jane has natural talent and went on gaoqiao without having taught! so i think she'll be able to go on the three feet one real soon. like, monday?
but cultural has started the pai-ing of our dance. and we've got to bring a towel as our sleeping blanket on mon. haha. we've got a funny storyline! don't know if that'll get us a gwh, but i'll definitely give it my all. dont want regrets again.
and oh, if you were looking forward to exco suan-ing, i'm afraid i'm feeling rather nice now to do it. maybe tomorrow, after i go fishing and jogging. (:
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
3rd day syf prac
while modern ppl were doing their dance, cultural had guys and gals paired up for shuang ren wu. all guys choose a gal. well. yea i got chosen. by zi ang. lol.
then we tried guo bei and tiao bei. both as sucky lah. maybe it's my fault. or his. haha. both of us not very strong in foundation mah.
after a few rounds we stopped, then he and chenxin tried to be funni. they did, the both of them, shuang ren wu stuff, then decided that a certain kind of "stunt" was rather fun, so zi ang as me to handstand to his shoulder then continue. wth. i dun even know what he want to do with me lah. so i said no. haha. i dont think i can realli trust him with my life. nor chenxin. haha. or anyone who doesnt explain what i'm going to do.
continued gao qiao from ytd. flash back, i started gao qiao ytd, with the one foot de. stable ler then i went on the three feet one, whereby i fell awkwardly, in a weird way that we shouldn't fall in. meiting said i crossed my legs or smthn. haha. but at least i didn't fall back like jing er did. i just fell down. like, downwards. so, yea. i went on the three feet gao qiao 2dae, then slowly slowly lor. kept holding on to the wall in case yesterday repeats. falling's not nice even though we've got strong knee guards yea? lost balance quite a few times, but thyankfully there was the ever-trusty wall and a few people, namely stephanie, xinyu, ellisse, mel, yinghui, zhiyong, alyssa, siian. not in any order. thanks everybody!!(:
ellisse has a phobia of gao qiao after her fall ytd, so i took over her place in cny performance, and i'm not sure if i can overcome my own. haha. slowly bah. mel says i'm rather stable, ellisse says i've got to take bigger steps. haha. i'm ellisse's tu di!! or tu mei.
went for lunch then went on gao qiao again, for two or more hours. went back to hall and one, then laoshi asked us to sleep at 2+. came down to the floor then slept with the gao qiao still tied. haha. then when we were supposed to do stretching that involved shifting a leg across the other, i couldnt do cuz of the gao qiao. haha. we were supposed to roll to laoshi after the nap, but i cannot roll so i crawl over. laughed like mad. and eugene's crazy. thanks wenjie for the guidance throughout. and thank you jing er and i think jing hui for helping me massage after the nap.((:
took off gao qiao and did the liu xing thing, rebe says i'm a fast learner.((: but still got long way to go yea? i've onli learnt one of the how many things we've got to do. haha. i'll learn them, slowly. must be positive!!
ate lemon biscuits. we almost finished a whole tin 2dae yea? greedy people. or hungry hardworking people.
after dance, as usual, they asked who wuz late, and onli # had no valid reason. whole exco was on stage, then guy discipline asked for #'s reason. # replied that # already told chairman. apparently exco already knew the reason lah. then guy discipline asked # to say it out. # hesitated then said it out. kinda personal so i shant put it here. i know how to respect.
so, #'s case turned out to be because of disrespect, you can make you imagination run wild to figure out what. while # was saying, i wuz like mouthing, in hope that any of the exco members will see, to let # stop. hello. if it's personal, just say it's personal, and since you guys think it's serious enough, then just pump lah! what for you go make # say out?
like, if i'm late cuz my granddad's in critical condition and may be leaving soon, and i accompanied him to hospital and became late for dance, i've got to let the whole society know? or if my dad barred me to go out because i quarrelled with him and i wuz late, i've gotta let the dance society know?
please lah. show a bit of respect can? it's pretty obvious you exco want to let #'s misdeeds to be made known lor. what for? # must have realised #'s mistakes, and who are you to interfere with #'s personal matters? even mrs wong didn't make # explain to the whole society, she just wanted to know the reason as a teacher in-charge. and if the chairman thinks he wants to know, so be it. if the exco wants to know, so be it. chariman can tell them.
but why make # announce the matter to over a hundred people in the society? why do people get outcasted? because certain people are not willing to show respect.
well, gal disc heard my objection, "why make a family matter be known to the whole society?", but she just said, " you bushuang then come up and say lar!!" what's that, blackmail? go up as in to the same level as exco, then they can say i'm challenging their authority. being part of the executive committee doesnt give you the right to barge into our personal space.
exco, so what? you did say we're supposed to lead as a whole sec 3 cohort yea? actually. i don't get why we've got to set aside 11 people for exco. before boting, everybody was leading, the sec 3s were united, and it was great that way. everything was well-planned, everything was done, everybody cooperated. with exco, everything's falling apart. there are people who think the current exco's not up to expectations. i said people, yea? so it's not just me. so, since we could do everything nicely when everybody was equal, why not let it stay that way? why label 11 people with posts and expect the 30+ people to do everything together as a whole? is that fair to the others?
yes, you may say that nothing's fair in the world. but if you know that, why are you so braindead to follow it and not try to change the saying and attempt to put everybody on the same level?
but, of course, there's already an exco now, so i dont think much can be done. if you strip these 11 ppl of their posts, they'll be bushuang and we'll still fall apart. still, it's worth some time of yours to think about.
to the rest of nhds, if any of you actually read my blog, these posts are not supposed to make you go against exco. we're civilised people, so please give them their due respect, so we can work as one whole dance society and achieve our goals. try your very best, give it your all or you'll realli regret it. esp sec 2s this year, cuz you only have ONE chance at syf. i admit, i didn't give my all in oai oai oai, so i wasnt realli elated upon the news of gwh, cuz i know it didnt come from me. really people, give the dance all you've got, but still, remember to take care of yourselves yea?((:
Monday, December 04, 2006
culrual syf item'07
so yea. hope we'll do well.
today's prac wasnt much of work for us, but i tried snake and qian fan. haha. didnt manage to do both but meiting said my qian fan's somewhere there. long way to go i suppose. haha. mus work hard!!
we can't promise gold with honours, but we can promise to do our best.